Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011

Prevent Blutergüsse Natürlich

It’s estimated that more than 10% of men and women over the age of 50 have a chronic skin condition known as senile purpura. Even if the name isn’t familiar, the characteristic purplish bruises or lesions are easily recognizable. In many instances, physicians aren’t terribly concerned about senile purpura provided that potentially serious causes such as medication side effects and platelet abnormalities are ruled out. In general, it is believed that age related capillary fragility and thinning of the skin are the primary culprits of easy bruising. Fortunately, there are a number of dietary, supplemental and topical approaches one can take to address both of these risk factors.

Citrus bioflavonoids top the list of natural remedies worth considering. A recent 6 week study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology reports that a twice daily dosage of a “citrus bioflavonoid blend” reduced new purpura lesions by 50% in a group of 70 seniors. Previous trials have found similar success using specific citrus bioflavonoids including (micronized) diosmin and hesperidin. Nutritional deficiencies must also be considered. Vitamins C, K and the mineral zinc have been singled out in the medical literature. However, it’s important to note that simply eating a nutrient dense diet and supplementing with a multivitamim/mineral may not be enough. Certain health conditions such as celiac disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome may likewise contribute to abnormal bruising by reducing serum levels of Vitamins C and K. This is why it’s vital to address any underlying disease as well as any overt symptoms. In addition, multivitamins rarely contain all of the known nutrients that can strengthen capillaries and thicken skin. An example is Biosil, a bioavailable form of silicon, the trace mineral. Both human and in vitro experiments indicate that small dosages of absorbable silicon (10 mg/day) can stimulate collagen production and improve skin integrity. If dietary and supplemental remedies aren’t adequate, the topical use of a 20% arnica ointment or a 5% Vitamin K cream has also been shown to reduce bruising. Finally, anyone who bruises excessively should examine their intake of seemingly healthy beverages and foods that “thin the blood” such as red wine and salmon. Heavy consumption of fatty fish and antioxidant-rich, red wine predisposes some individuals to bruising easily by lowering platelet counts and inhibiting fibrinolysis.

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